This was a remarkable article highlighting what actually happened ; I suspect there was even more things planned prior to the roll out of this with enormous amounts of censorship , manipulation , and nudge units used in lockstep. It seems at this point from my reading , there is a concerted attempt to warp speed censorship , to vilify , jail and destroy people who have been vocal about this whole debacle: it would appear to be the aim of the agenda wanting one world government and health for the good of us all - as some specific regimes would love as they usurp our sovereignty ,especially here in Canada , a place where people have little appetite to question what happened regarding the shut down, lock down and locked in, of many people and don't seem to be aware or even curious about our government's take over by foreign entities. Perhaps the plan is in fact to be "too late to know ." What a remarkable job you are doing and I have nothing but respect for these Herculean efforts to inform people .

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Pretty soon everyone who is vaccinated is going to know someone who is really fucked up by the vaccines. It will be interesting to see how they deal with it. Because they’re next.

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Keep up the great work. God Bless you all, you are true warriors in this fight against evil. God Wins, we are the David in this David and Goliath war on the people.

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Most of the people on our small church (about 140 people all told) here in Australia took the vaxx, along with their extended families, in most cases 'to protect others'. For the same reason they dutifully wore the masks and practised social isolation ('distancing'). In this group, soon after the vaxx, there were a couple of turbo cancers, one rare aortic injury, one child with uncontrollable seizures - not to mention repeated bouts of influenza-like illness in most of the older adults. Case closed.

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Basically, what we all knew to be true. They all lied about the dangers of the vaccine!

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Findings… too late. Most people received 3 shots ☝🏼. And what can we do to reverse the adverse effects?. God bless. 🙏🏼

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We only received the last pieces of the puzzle of the Pfizer documents approx 1 year ago and as soon as we found the hidden deaths we tried our best to get the info out. We wrote a peer reviewed scientific paper and testified in the National Citizens Inquiry in Canada, 5 testimonies in Brazil and in Japan. My colleague Dr Robert Chandler also has testified about this in Canada and to the Massie staffers for his Inquiry in the House. There is hope that we can get rid of Spike protein with various supplements like Nattokinase. Not sure what else we can do if our findings are not even picked up by conservative media….

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