ChatGPT: This report presents findings based on data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) concerning miscarriages among pregnant women who received various vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines. Here are some thoughts on the report:
Data Interpretation: The report suggests that a significant portion of reported miscarriages occurred after COVID-19 vaccination, especially with the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine. However, it's important to note that VAERS is a passive reporting system, and its data alone cannot establish causal relationships between vaccines and adverse events. VAERS data provide signals that warrant further investigation but cannot confirm causality.
Underreporting: The report acknowledges the limitation of underreporting in VAERS. It's essential to consider that VAERS data represent only a fraction of actual adverse events, and relying solely on VAERS may lead to an overestimation or underestimation of risks associated with vaccines.
Data Quality: The report highlights various limitations in VAERS data quality, including missing information on vaccine types, incomplete follow-up data, and data integrity issues. These limitations can affect the accuracy and reliability of the analysis presented in the report.
Need for Further Research: While the report raises concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant women, it emphasizes the need for more comprehensive research to establish causal links between vaccination and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Controlled studies and larger observational studies are necessary to provide more conclusive evidence on vaccine safety during pregnancy.
Public Health Recommendations: Despite the findings presented in the report, public health authorities such as the CDC continue to recommend COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women based on available evidence on vaccine safety and efficacy. It's essential to consider the broader context of vaccine benefits in preventing severe COVID-19 outcomes for pregnant individuals and their infants.
In summary, while the report highlights concerning trends in VAERS data regarding miscarriages following COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women, it's crucial to interpret these findings cautiously and within the context of broader vaccine safety surveillance and research efforts.
sounds like it came from a news reporter where they "objectively" present both sides of an argument but hedge their bets towards pro-vaccine big-pharma mantra.
This is very sad. I knew two people who miscarried right after the time of the roll out and they were both strongly in favor of the “vaccine”. I knew one premature birth, definitely got the “vaccine”. And I knew of one nursing baby who had a mysterious infection, the mother was definitely “vaccinated”.
The doctor couldn’t actually figure out why the baby was ill so they diagnosed it as a kidney infection after a week of tests. What are the chances of an exclusively breastfed baby suffering from a kidney infection? Seems slim to me.
I still just can’t believe pregnant women were coerced into taking an experimental injection. This is why I would never trust a doctor’s recommendation without doing a LOT of personal research into the recommendation. If I were pregnant, I would 100% be using alternative birthing plans over the allopathic system.
Horrible, I feel terrible for these mothers that were expecting and later found there was no heartbeat. This is. Bio-weapon that should never have ever happened. I still call the COVID-19 jab “The death shot”.
A study accepted into the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology on Jan. 24 (pdf) investigated placenta samples from two pregnant women who had received Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Researchers concluded that “vaccine mRNA is not localized to the injection site and can spread systemically to the placenta and umbilical cord blood.”
Commenting on the study, cardiologist Peter McCullough said that the observations “have confirmed one of our worst fears, that is, poorly advised vaccination during pregnancy allows circulating mRNA and local production of Spike protein in the placenta potentially threatening the gestation and delivery.”
“But worse, mRNA is passed on to the baby with unknown effects on organogenesis, tissue damage, blood clotting, and a host of other adverse processes within the newborn’s body.”
My guess, "they" don't want babies when their parents are dead after vaccines, do they, or have their kids breed, when they get old enough - what's that called - Murder Ad Hoc?
A peer-reviewed article from last month which analyzed reports from the initial phase 3 trials of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines concluded that the shots killed more people than they saved.
So much for antibodies - nowhere to be seen anywhere, so they only exist in the minds of the foolish then and who peddles "antibodies" why Virologists and Big Pharma and your Doctor - so much for the Hippocratic Oath they swore - getting on the money train, more like.
Well, we know what TransHumans are, that is the new name automatically given to those who volunteer for a vaccine shot - I'd call them "Crash Test Dummies" and who tells CTD's about anything?
Long ago awakened to those lost faithfully void of honor for honor as if, honor is ever lost, eternal forevermore.
Those lost to multiverses by forces leading all to oblivion is easily dissuaded by Divine Providence in service of honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
But eternity requires obvious vigilance of equal service.
“After the Great War Between the States our people faced a desolate land of burned universities, destroyed crops and homes, with manpower depleted and crippled, and even the mule, which was required to work the land, was so scarce that whole communities shared one animal to make the spring plowing. There were no government handouts, no Marshall Plan aid, no coddling to make sure that our people would not suffer; instead, the South was set upon by the vulturous carpetbagger and federal troops; all loyal Southerners were denied the vote at the point of bayonet, so that the infamous, illegal Fourteenth Amendment might be passed. There was no money, no food and no hope of either. But our grandfathers bent their knee only in church and bowed their head only to God.
“Not for a single instant did they ever consider the easy way of federal dictatorship and amalgamation in return for fat bellies. They fought.”
Alabama Governor George Wallace, 1963.
Bottom line, people can ignore their Westerly society has been under attach by the very government replacing you (body, mind & soul) for more than 160yrs, all the while each American has sacrificed from womb to tomb - to finance with their wealth & blood, apparently to their own oblivion!!!
Whether the Causes of Chaos are international or domestic from a long line of abuses in society, all ills of society can be traced to one Cause, bad government administration. And, people doing the same thing over & over will always give you the same total - a 50/50 chance that allow social engines of various pettifoggery to raise revenue from womb to And it is a given, if you keep doing the same thing over & over thinking to get a different outcome by doing so from time to time, will most assuredly find every society susceptible facing oblivion via the selfsame supra missive described.
In our day as freemen & state nationals within a federal Union, we stood upon the anchors left to us by our ancestors of happy memory and where imprisoned when found facing all other races or people truly the only true & real racists afoot (its like pappy said, the guilty dogs bark! And, what our ancestors founded was a society of people based upon standards only familiar to our ancestors but more so, yearned for by all people, nations & tongues!
Conclusion: Any public figure who advocates a true nationalism (unlike the Masonic KKK) or true Black nationalism (unlike the Masonic NOI working with the KKK as stated by Malcolm X), each seeking to establish their own countries based upon a common race, common language and common Bible-based culture as was Black Protestant Liberia, without hatred for any race including the Jews, is deemed a hateful racist,” a “White or Black supremacist,” and is marked for ruin, libel, slander and/or assassination. Now, why is this, when yet we find the same chaos afoot today, as we warned would occur for ignoring your sovereign witnesses of the good people of united America of these United States.
But, if ye seek solutions for either chaos or elsewise, whatever course of action you take in regards to our efforts, always know honor for honor will always be the best foundation for all solutions, eternal forevermore.
"I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15
Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and on thy day of testing, all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, arise in honor as thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.
Whatever coin of time remains to rightly 'chose in action,' may your service in honor for honor above all else, be eternal forevermore.
ChatGPT: This report presents findings based on data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) concerning miscarriages among pregnant women who received various vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines. Here are some thoughts on the report:
Data Interpretation: The report suggests that a significant portion of reported miscarriages occurred after COVID-19 vaccination, especially with the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA vaccine. However, it's important to note that VAERS is a passive reporting system, and its data alone cannot establish causal relationships between vaccines and adverse events. VAERS data provide signals that warrant further investigation but cannot confirm causality.
Underreporting: The report acknowledges the limitation of underreporting in VAERS. It's essential to consider that VAERS data represent only a fraction of actual adverse events, and relying solely on VAERS may lead to an overestimation or underestimation of risks associated with vaccines.
Data Quality: The report highlights various limitations in VAERS data quality, including missing information on vaccine types, incomplete follow-up data, and data integrity issues. These limitations can affect the accuracy and reliability of the analysis presented in the report.
Need for Further Research: While the report raises concerns about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnant women, it emphasizes the need for more comprehensive research to establish causal links between vaccination and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Controlled studies and larger observational studies are necessary to provide more conclusive evidence on vaccine safety during pregnancy.
Public Health Recommendations: Despite the findings presented in the report, public health authorities such as the CDC continue to recommend COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women based on available evidence on vaccine safety and efficacy. It's essential to consider the broader context of vaccine benefits in preventing severe COVID-19 outcomes for pregnant individuals and their infants.
In summary, while the report highlights concerning trends in VAERS data regarding miscarriages following COVID-19 vaccination in pregnant women, it's crucial to interpret these findings cautiously and within the context of broader vaccine safety surveillance and research efforts.
sounds like it came from a news reporter where they "objectively" present both sides of an argument but hedge their bets towards pro-vaccine big-pharma mantra.
This is very sad. I knew two people who miscarried right after the time of the roll out and they were both strongly in favor of the “vaccine”. I knew one premature birth, definitely got the “vaccine”. And I knew of one nursing baby who had a mysterious infection, the mother was definitely “vaccinated”.
The doctor couldn’t actually figure out why the baby was ill so they diagnosed it as a kidney infection after a week of tests. What are the chances of an exclusively breastfed baby suffering from a kidney infection? Seems slim to me.
I still just can’t believe pregnant women were coerced into taking an experimental injection. This is why I would never trust a doctor’s recommendation without doing a LOT of personal research into the recommendation. If I were pregnant, I would 100% be using alternative birthing plans over the allopathic system.
Horrible, I feel terrible for these mothers that were expecting and later found there was no heartbeat. This is. Bio-weapon that should never have ever happened. I still call the COVID-19 jab “The death shot”.
A study accepted into the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology on Jan. 24 (pdf) investigated placenta samples from two pregnant women who had received Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. Researchers concluded that “vaccine mRNA is not localized to the injection site and can spread systemically to the placenta and umbilical cord blood.”
Commenting on the study, cardiologist Peter McCullough said that the observations “have confirmed one of our worst fears, that is, poorly advised vaccination during pregnancy allows circulating mRNA and local production of Spike protein in the placenta potentially threatening the gestation and delivery.”
“But worse, mRNA is passed on to the baby with unknown effects on organogenesis, tissue damage, blood clotting, and a host of other adverse processes within the newborn’s body.”
My guess, "they" don't want babies when their parents are dead after vaccines, do they, or have their kids breed, when they get old enough - what's that called - Murder Ad Hoc?
A peer-reviewed article from last month which analyzed reports from the initial phase 3 trials of Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines concluded that the shots killed more people than they saved.
So much for antibodies - nowhere to be seen anywhere, so they only exist in the minds of the foolish then and who peddles "antibodies" why Virologists and Big Pharma and your Doctor - so much for the Hippocratic Oath they swore - getting on the money train, more like.
Well, we know what TransHumans are, that is the new name automatically given to those who volunteer for a vaccine shot - I'd call them "Crash Test Dummies" and who tells CTD's about anything?
Long ago awakened to those lost faithfully void of honor for honor as if, honor is ever lost, eternal forevermore.
Those lost to multiverses by forces leading all to oblivion is easily dissuaded by Divine Providence in service of honor above all else, eternal forevermore.
But eternity requires obvious vigilance of equal service.
“After the Great War Between the States our people faced a desolate land of burned universities, destroyed crops and homes, with manpower depleted and crippled, and even the mule, which was required to work the land, was so scarce that whole communities shared one animal to make the spring plowing. There were no government handouts, no Marshall Plan aid, no coddling to make sure that our people would not suffer; instead, the South was set upon by the vulturous carpetbagger and federal troops; all loyal Southerners were denied the vote at the point of bayonet, so that the infamous, illegal Fourteenth Amendment might be passed. There was no money, no food and no hope of either. But our grandfathers bent their knee only in church and bowed their head only to God.
“Not for a single instant did they ever consider the easy way of federal dictatorship and amalgamation in return for fat bellies. They fought.”
Alabama Governor George Wallace, 1963.
Bottom line, people can ignore their Westerly society has been under attach by the very government replacing you (body, mind & soul) for more than 160yrs, all the while each American has sacrificed from womb to tomb - to finance with their wealth & blood, apparently to their own oblivion!!!
Whether the Causes of Chaos are international or domestic from a long line of abuses in society, all ills of society can be traced to one Cause, bad government administration. And, people doing the same thing over & over will always give you the same total - a 50/50 chance that allow social engines of various pettifoggery to raise revenue from womb to And it is a given, if you keep doing the same thing over & over thinking to get a different outcome by doing so from time to time, will most assuredly find every society susceptible facing oblivion via the selfsame supra missive described.
In our day as freemen & state nationals within a federal Union, we stood upon the anchors left to us by our ancestors of happy memory and where imprisoned when found facing all other races or people truly the only true & real racists afoot (its like pappy said, the guilty dogs bark! And, what our ancestors founded was a society of people based upon standards only familiar to our ancestors but more so, yearned for by all people, nations & tongues!
Conclusion: Any public figure who advocates a true nationalism (unlike the Masonic KKK) or true Black nationalism (unlike the Masonic NOI working with the KKK as stated by Malcolm X), each seeking to establish their own countries based upon a common race, common language and common Bible-based culture as was Black Protestant Liberia, without hatred for any race including the Jews, is deemed a hateful racist,” a “White or Black supremacist,” and is marked for ruin, libel, slander and/or assassination. Now, why is this, when yet we find the same chaos afoot today, as we warned would occur for ignoring your sovereign witnesses of the good people of united America of these United States.
But, if ye seek solutions for either chaos or elsewise, whatever course of action you take in regards to our efforts, always know honor for honor will always be the best foundation for all solutions, eternal forevermore.
"I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15
Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and on thy day of testing, all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, arise in honor as thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.
Whatever coin of time remains to rightly 'chose in action,' may your service in honor for honor above all else, be eternal forevermore.
Be wise, safe & blessed,
I don't know if I want to throw up or cry. I think I will do both.
seems like the Depopulation Agenda is alive and well, with front-end deaths and back-end deaths with all the miscarriages and infertility rates.
It's not like they didn't tell us they wanted to erase us or anything...