How could the potential of myocarditis in children be kept secret by the FDA, CDC, and Pfizer? Why are they still pushing the COVID vaccine for children who are not at risk from COVID infection? Have they no morals? This is true evil!

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Of course they lied they have been lying from day 1. These shots are nothing but poison

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Since CV19 ‘vaccines’ are fundamentally bioweapons proven by patents and research reviews, intended to reduce global population, it is not surprising that the life altering or even deadly effects were not advised to the public. The most surprising thing NOW is that a small percentage of people still run down to get their deadly ‘boosters’ despite the overwhelming evidence of serious harm from these gene editing injections containing hydrogels/nanoparticles// and DNA contaminants plus toxic spike protein disease promoters via long lasting mRNA.

Death, heart damage, several neurological diseases, mad cow, early dementia, miscarriage, birth defects, infertility, strokes, blood clots, turbo cancers in all ages, and so much more...these are the deadliest medications in the history of the world.

Yet our governments, Federal, State, and Local, still push this poison and allow it to be injected into human beings of all ages!

When will those injured rise up and did say no more?

When will the states remove this crap from all purveyors of the poison, stores, medical offices, health departments, pharmacies, hospitals?

When will those responsible face criminal prosecution for their crimes against humanity?

When will liability immunity be removed due to the blatant fraud of ‘safe and effective’ when demonstrably it is not?

When will all doctors, nurses, pharmacists, stand up and finally speak the truth and turn to healing the injured?

When will we ever learn to stop believing lies just because they come from high level government personnel or doctors or Big Pharma?

It is long overdue!

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Feb 22Liked by Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly

Dr. Flowers, you are invited to come on the Medical Truth Podcast as a guest to discuss this issue! the website is www.MedicalTruthPodcast.com

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Apparently there is evidence of serious ("evil") wrongdoing. But nothing can be done about it and the poisoning is still ongoing? What society are we in these days??

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Nice to know some country's public health agency isn't captured by Big Pharma (Israeli Ministry of Health). SMH. I'm sick of the direction of this country on every single fucking front.

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And the medical journals are working with them. Cureus, a journal in the Springer Nature group, is planning to retract Mead et al. "COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global Vaccination Campaign". Publication of articles that do not follow the narrative is almost impossible in mainstream journals. This is entirely contrary to the process of science and prevents progress. Must stop.

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All the people involved in this cover-up deserve hard time in prison!

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While I am not surprised at the criminality of Pfizer, I am astounded at the idiocy of parents who would subject their children to such a clinical trial. The basis for the trial actually is: “does this vaccine give your child heart issues? Let’s give it to your child, and find out!!” What parent would volunteer their child for such an experiment??

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“The CDC was concerned about young children potentially getting COVID-induced myocarditis but did not understand that the mRNA COVID vaccines were causing the immune-mediated heart damage in the children, which would manifest after the short trial, not during it.” “was concerned…did not understand” eh? My assessment is the CDC was not concerned enough to protect children because it was to their benefit NOT to understand. Devils.

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They all knew the shots were deadly. Did they proceed anyway because of the titantic profits? Or did they proceed thinking collateral damage was worth it? Must have been the greed.

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not only failed but intentionally aided and abetted the worldwide democide of crime and deceit. I pray they all are destroyed and punished very publicly and tortured.

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I’m hoping SOMEONE besides me is putting this stuff on Trump’s media. He needs to get that what he did was wrong. His personality disorder is such that he may not be able to admit that but we need to be bombarding his media outlets with this stuff. It started with Trump. It deepened with Biden’s puppet masters.

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To cover themselves they allowed children to die, and many of these regulators are parents. We need psychologists to weigh in so we can understand how people can commit such an atrocity and rationalize it.

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To the point.

It is now possible to charge government actors when operating out of their scope of authority or delegated authority via the 1907 Hague Convention Treaty per Art. 23h & Title 50 U.S.C. 4316, once a declaration of status is filed (as we have already Filed for those honestly interested in solutions [USDC - Eastern District of Washington] done - see: 2:23-MC-10-ACE) within the federal district court related to status (native born/national), 'American national private Citizens of the United States.'

Once this declaration (Status) is filed, any state or federal actor may be prosecuted under international law (law of nations) for violating any 'national' rights of native born (see Article 2, Sec. 1, Cl. 5 per Article 10, Section 1 as reserved pursuant to Article of Amendment, the IXth & Xth) or Naturalized. Again, per the Hague Convention of 1907, Articles 23h & 55 and brought inland per Laws of Nations (U.S. Consti. Art. 1, Section 8, Cl. 10) via the Lieber Code, Article 38, with your C.O.L.B. (birth record) serving as your dual receipt (per Article 55 of 1907 Hague Convention & Article 38 of the Lieber Code), evincing you as a spoiliated owner by receipt, as a letter of marque/note as 'American Bank Note' for offset, contra-transactions and/or bond in lieu of forfeitures per HJR 192, so as to prevent Congress from unlawful taking, dollar for dollar. That is, when in 1908 Congress decided to created the Congressional Military Industrial Pharmaceutical Complex by seizing all legal title to all corporate manufactured production. I have the treaty conventions published in the Senate "Executive" Journals..lol, to prove what I say....lol. They've been planning their takedown of that last vestiges of our Grand Republic ever since Congress forced the several States of the federal Union to pay for debts not in keeping with sitting in good behavior while occupying offices of Trust, Profit & Honor!!!!!

Especially since no full accounting will be given until the Emergency War Powers is lifted by a President of the United States per section 9 of the Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, the year they drove the last nail into the coffin of our Grand Republic with their treasonous 17 Article of Amendment to the U.S. Consti.

I have grave concern for our country operating under these Emergency War Powers since such powers are exercised under "Laws of War on Land" via the U.S. Constitution per Article 1, Sec. 8, Cl. 10 & the Hague Convention of 1907.

That brings in international law under Laws of War on Land.

Did somebody say, UN troops....lol

This effectively makes the Office of President of the United States into a Constitutional Dictatorship operating under the Commander-in-Chief, until Executive Order both 2039 & 2040 of March 6th & 9th, 1933 is lifted by 'any' President of the United States. Even Trump...lol

But, no one yet has made or demanded such requirements of any seeking the 'presidency' of the United States. That is, to pledge to do so, when running for or occupying said office.

Don't you think it's about time????

These executive orders (2039 & 2040 from 1933) allowed the development of your current U.S. congressional financial military pharmaceutical complex that is destroying our Westerly society.

Until this happens, the sovereign good people of these United States will continue to be led to oblivion! Civilian due process is restored by lifting said E.O.s and our Republican Government is restored to both the halls of congress and the current military courts (district courts) via 50 U.S. Code §§ 4316 & 4305 will cease to operate over native born American National private Citizens of these United States. And Equity will reign.

Still hopeful, that someone is willing to network with me familiar with War Crime prosecution, possibly against the United States for War Crimes at the Hague in violation of the 1907 Hague Convention per 23h. Or?

If so, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest pleasure.

AGAIN: Time is no longer an option for unanimity, honor for honor, to labor in America's vineyard of the all-fathers eternal Creation, for restitution of things thereon.

CHOSE IN ACTION whom ye serve and may wisdom ring true and dishonor falls in discord, that liberty be proclaimed throughout our grand republic for which she shall rightly stand anchored, eternally!!!!

In closing, whatever course of action you take in regards to our efforts, always know honor for honor will always be the best foundation for all solutions.

"I do not ask Thee to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; Thy word is truth. As Thou didst send Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world.” John 17:15

Chose in action wisely & Normal Law will reign both by Golden Rule & Castle Rule and on thy day of testing, all things by divine providence and goodly spirit of wisdom, arise in honor as thy crown of living, eternal forevermore.

Whatever coin of time remains to rightly 'chose in action,' may your service in honor for honor above all else, be eternal forevermore.

Let me know how things are going and elsewise, as honor finds prudently germane.

Be wise, safe & blessed,


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Where is Trump on this? This is a smoking gun that will sink Biden and potentially get him and his cohorts arrested for negligent homicide.

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