Yes I sent individual emails and public comment.

See the names and faces of those who hold the fate of our children on the line - https://leemuller.substack.com/p/the-names-and-faces-of-those-who


If this passes, it will only be because not enough people knew this was getting voted on. This it is not over!

Thank you for caring about the children! 💗

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My comment: The only reason to add the Covid 19 'vaccine' to children's immunization schedule would be to shield pharmaceutical manufactures from the coming tsunami of lawsuits for harm. These 'vaccines' are experimental and have been shown to be ineffective and with risks of death and disability that far outweigh any possible protection, which after looking at the data I realize there is none. Children are at very low risk of illness or death from Covid 19 but, depending on the age group as much as 84% HIGHER risk of DEATH. Is this what you want? MORE DEAD CHILDREN? Are you such true believers that you are incapable of assessing critical data in your decision making? OR is you lack of consideration of the evidence linked to your bank account? Do you realize that by supporting this experimental 'vaccine' especially for our children, that many people now know is dangerous, that you are creating MASSIVE distrust of your agency and causing many people to reject ALL vaccines for themselves and their children? It is simply mind boggling that you are even considering this.

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Thank you for posting all the info. Very helpful and made it easy to go right to the page to comment. Appreciate it!

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The Covid vaccine SHOULD not be allowed for children!!!!

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Being respectful towards these monsters is inappropriate. I have nothing but contempt for these committee members.

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