I am a physician .My wife developed myocarditis , with heart failure 5 weeks after injection of second Pfizer vaccine. We were reassured this was only Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, that it would pass and was related to some serious emotional or physical shock , despite the fact that no such shock occurred. One day after discharge after first hospitalization , her MRI showed myocardial edema consistent with myocarditis. Again ignored as being nothing. One week after discharge my wife suffered a cardiac arrest , and I resuscitated her in a hotel room . Again no one raised the issue of myocarditis , despite another episode of heart failure. We went from one high brow institution in NY to another , never given a straight answer. Recurrent episodes of heart failure , that go so bad I treated her at home with IV medications, to avoid hospitalization after 6 trips to the ER and admitted. Then later same year had a stroke, with partial loss of vision. Signs of autonomic neuropathy later the following year. STent placed in vertebral artery which thrombosed. No one raising the possiblity of vaccine side effect or offering solutions. The only ones that were helpful were the FLCCC who offered a protocol of treatment. When you have a government actively trying to avoid the truth, destroy the society for some god foresaken globalists. one must no longer trust that government . God help us all
One of the biggest frustrations I keep thinking over and over again is why is it the first question or one of the questions every time is not if you go into the hospital and you're having some complications why is the first thing they are asking not did you have the vaccine did you have covid-19 infection two questions not one sorry two questions don't you want to know that you would think so I mean if you have a possible problem coming from something that you've acquired naturally it's going to go the normal medical way but if you have something acquired from something that's recently edited or changed or possibly class switch or thrombocytopenia or you know platelets hello nitrogen hello you know things like that you know something going through and the minute you're having a system fight or flight issue because now we have a foreign Invader or a possible you know increase in heart rate and cortisol nitrogen you know all these good things go through my mind here and they never ask they never ask and constantly will tell you that well you're here because of this reason and it's not uncommon and it's not from the safe and effective vaccine and that's just mind blowing because my grandmother died on my birthday this year on Easter and she was a head nurse for years granted she was 94 so I have some solace at least in the fact knowing that well my birthday adds up to 13 and we're kind of weird and have the thing about 13s but beside that fact she knew that because she had a valve issue and that she pretty much knew how that death plays out and so many percentages of cases because she worked on a cardiac floor and she was perfectly okay with that one day she probably just would not wake up or it would give out and it would be very quick and well somewhat painless I guess and so she was definitely okay with that my grandfather died 10 years ago however that is of course not how it went it went very not that way and the entire time I'm just sitting there because the rest of my family has gotten the shots and except for me and my kids LOL and of course now we're outcasts sort of and I'm having to sit there in silence going this is not the way it's supposed to go because in all the lists going through my head and I'm like okay so I'm outside opinion because I think she's got a flight problem because all the sudden at the very end She's coughing up blood and I'm like no no no you know kidneys had shut down and I'm just I at least have the relief knowing that she was 94 and she did more than likely have no problem with leaving because I know she missed my grandfather they've never been apart a day in her life like literally he held her as a baby 3 years older than her so yeah I at least have that part but there was no there's no autopsies there's no why are we not doing the follow-up that is required because we're going to need the information and there is no 5 and 10 year trial so everything that is happening now has to be considered the 5 and 10 year trials we are screwing up the science is what I feel like by doing the way we're doing it and it just sends me off on some kind of weird rambling tangent that just does not end in i just keep praying to God that either one the realization of how I mean Hippocratic Oath is just in many cases right now honestly I feel just gone for some of these I say these doctors but they're just paid by you know insurance and big Pharma so what what am I expecting here. And I mean I cannot get over the fact of any scientist that says I am the science is well they have a major God complex and we should be very very hesitant or or apprehensive as to what we allow them access to is just what just steadily streams through my mind but then I'm you know always coming across as crazy and I can't put it down and I'm like but there's so many things y'all so many things that I should have just gone to school and maybe I would have yada yada yada maybe if I can get a way to do that but now everything is like falling apart and between just me and my three kids only not having the vaccines the rest of the family not realizing y'all you understand that now that you have these everyone suddenly having all these problems but no it's just because of old age it's because it was going to do that anyway and I'm like no no no no I don't think so but anyhow you can't tell anybody anything especially if you don't have a degree and why why does it matter you know kind of like getting the vaccine or not getting the vaccine what they did is what they did and you get it because it gives you the feeling of you know I'll be okay I'll be safe and I'll get through it versus you know expecting others to get it or mandating them to get it to inject something into their body to protect them from wait what you know that got so out of hand that I am just first of all we just mandated our military thank you there goes our safety in the air and I'm pretty sure we might actually be seeing that but no one's going to you know make the link yet especially because pilots and nitrogen and blood and so on and so forth especially covid and nitrogen and blood hello are we paying attention really? But I get kind of crazy about it notice no punctuation because it never does take a breath when it's all coming in my head to that fruition point of going I just want to scream and say please you tried to convince me to get this because you were afraid I was going to die but now I'm sitting here watching all of you slowly just in some ways deteriorating break down and I'm the crazy one LOL what happens then
I am so sorry for your personal experience of obvious Vaccine Related Side Effects.
But, as a Physician, I find it quiet frankly disturbing as a trained Doctor, you are so misinformed regarding Adverse Health Outcome or the various, often extremely serious Side Effects related to Vaccines.
AUTISM is an Immune Mediated Disorder controversially associated with multiple Vaccine administration in early infancy to an Immunocompromised / Immunodeficient Infant. Demyelinating Neuropathy. MS in Infancy.
All Doctors, Immunologists, Vaccinologists are aware - You Do Not Administer `Live Virus Vaccines` to an Immunocompromised person ( Infant/ Child/ Adult). The Link to Vaccination was established during a US Congressional hearing as far back as 2002.
Autism Rates Alone Across The Developed World Are Rising Continuously. According to a recently released UK Government Report the incidence was at 4.7% . Which equates to almost 1 in 20 Infants suffering negative consequence from the accumulative Viral/Toxic effects of Mass Vaccination.
Sadly, its Nothing New, But perhaps the whole COVID-19 Pandemic may finally help fully expose the True Extent Of The Pharmacutical, Government & Medical Corruption.
In Australia, clearly leading the charge ‘against’ spread and serious illness (not!), the Health Sector is still mandating full ‘vaccination’ for staff and prospective staff.
Considering the vast and deeply disturbing evidence of death and serious adverse events, how on God’s green earth did we get to a place where employers are not only free and willing to place staff in a position of serious risk, but are permitted to MANDATE that risk? What ‘vaccine’ outcomes justify imposing potentially life threatening mandates?
I read their impressive Mission Statements and their Strategic Plans and I reflect on their professed values and I marvel at their care and concern for everyone in the community to enjoy health and wellbeing...then I think of the death and sickness and trauma and loss and grief and bereavement and I’m left feeling sick to my stomach...
The war on words and misconceptions, we care about your health crappy misused slogans, even the word vaccine has been hijacked/raped to get their lies where they want it.
Could the male--female disparity be related to the fact that the Spike Protein settles in large numbers in the ovaries of woman per the Japanese Pharmacokinetics Overview? (SARS-
That may be part of the issue, but the LNPs also settle in large numbers in the testes per Pfizer’s biodistribution study. (https://www.phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/125742_S1_M4_4223_185350.pdf, pp. 23-27) So I don’t think that’s the differentiator or, at least, not the primary one. There are people working on trying to figure out why women are so negatively impacted, but the reason or reasons are not yet clear.
Yes, they do. However, I'm still not sure that accounts for the full-body systemic adverse events occurring in a ratio of 3:1 in women. The physical differences in men and women account for so many differences in how diseases are experienced by the different sexes. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the research into why mRNA and LNPs seem to be particularly damaging to women.
I am a physician .My wife developed myocarditis , with heart failure 5 weeks after injection of second Pfizer vaccine. We were reassured this was only Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, that it would pass and was related to some serious emotional or physical shock , despite the fact that no such shock occurred. One day after discharge after first hospitalization , her MRI showed myocardial edema consistent with myocarditis. Again ignored as being nothing. One week after discharge my wife suffered a cardiac arrest , and I resuscitated her in a hotel room . Again no one raised the issue of myocarditis , despite another episode of heart failure. We went from one high brow institution in NY to another , never given a straight answer. Recurrent episodes of heart failure , that go so bad I treated her at home with IV medications, to avoid hospitalization after 6 trips to the ER and admitted. Then later same year had a stroke, with partial loss of vision. Signs of autonomic neuropathy later the following year. STent placed in vertebral artery which thrombosed. No one raising the possiblity of vaccine side effect or offering solutions. The only ones that were helpful were the FLCCC who offered a protocol of treatment. When you have a government actively trying to avoid the truth, destroy the society for some god foresaken globalists. one must no longer trust that government . God help us all
I’m so sorry to how your wife has suffered. I’m very thankful for FLCCC and The Wellness Company. They’ve saved a lot of lives.
One of the biggest frustrations I keep thinking over and over again is why is it the first question or one of the questions every time is not if you go into the hospital and you're having some complications why is the first thing they are asking not did you have the vaccine did you have covid-19 infection two questions not one sorry two questions don't you want to know that you would think so I mean if you have a possible problem coming from something that you've acquired naturally it's going to go the normal medical way but if you have something acquired from something that's recently edited or changed or possibly class switch or thrombocytopenia or you know platelets hello nitrogen hello you know things like that you know something going through and the minute you're having a system fight or flight issue because now we have a foreign Invader or a possible you know increase in heart rate and cortisol nitrogen you know all these good things go through my mind here and they never ask they never ask and constantly will tell you that well you're here because of this reason and it's not uncommon and it's not from the safe and effective vaccine and that's just mind blowing because my grandmother died on my birthday this year on Easter and she was a head nurse for years granted she was 94 so I have some solace at least in the fact knowing that well my birthday adds up to 13 and we're kind of weird and have the thing about 13s but beside that fact she knew that because she had a valve issue and that she pretty much knew how that death plays out and so many percentages of cases because she worked on a cardiac floor and she was perfectly okay with that one day she probably just would not wake up or it would give out and it would be very quick and well somewhat painless I guess and so she was definitely okay with that my grandfather died 10 years ago however that is of course not how it went it went very not that way and the entire time I'm just sitting there because the rest of my family has gotten the shots and except for me and my kids LOL and of course now we're outcasts sort of and I'm having to sit there in silence going this is not the way it's supposed to go because in all the lists going through my head and I'm like okay so I'm outside opinion because I think she's got a flight problem because all the sudden at the very end She's coughing up blood and I'm like no no no you know kidneys had shut down and I'm just I at least have the relief knowing that she was 94 and she did more than likely have no problem with leaving because I know she missed my grandfather they've never been apart a day in her life like literally he held her as a baby 3 years older than her so yeah I at least have that part but there was no there's no autopsies there's no why are we not doing the follow-up that is required because we're going to need the information and there is no 5 and 10 year trial so everything that is happening now has to be considered the 5 and 10 year trials we are screwing up the science is what I feel like by doing the way we're doing it and it just sends me off on some kind of weird rambling tangent that just does not end in i just keep praying to God that either one the realization of how I mean Hippocratic Oath is just in many cases right now honestly I feel just gone for some of these I say these doctors but they're just paid by you know insurance and big Pharma so what what am I expecting here. And I mean I cannot get over the fact of any scientist that says I am the science is well they have a major God complex and we should be very very hesitant or or apprehensive as to what we allow them access to is just what just steadily streams through my mind but then I'm you know always coming across as crazy and I can't put it down and I'm like but there's so many things y'all so many things that I should have just gone to school and maybe I would have yada yada yada maybe if I can get a way to do that but now everything is like falling apart and between just me and my three kids only not having the vaccines the rest of the family not realizing y'all you understand that now that you have these everyone suddenly having all these problems but no it's just because of old age it's because it was going to do that anyway and I'm like no no no no I don't think so but anyhow you can't tell anybody anything especially if you don't have a degree and why why does it matter you know kind of like getting the vaccine or not getting the vaccine what they did is what they did and you get it because it gives you the feeling of you know I'll be okay I'll be safe and I'll get through it versus you know expecting others to get it or mandating them to get it to inject something into their body to protect them from wait what you know that got so out of hand that I am just first of all we just mandated our military thank you there goes our safety in the air and I'm pretty sure we might actually be seeing that but no one's going to you know make the link yet especially because pilots and nitrogen and blood and so on and so forth especially covid and nitrogen and blood hello are we paying attention really? But I get kind of crazy about it notice no punctuation because it never does take a breath when it's all coming in my head to that fruition point of going I just want to scream and say please you tried to convince me to get this because you were afraid I was going to die but now I'm sitting here watching all of you slowly just in some ways deteriorating break down and I'm the crazy one LOL what happens then
I am so sorry for your personal experience of obvious Vaccine Related Side Effects.
But, as a Physician, I find it quiet frankly disturbing as a trained Doctor, you are so misinformed regarding Adverse Health Outcome or the various, often extremely serious Side Effects related to Vaccines.
AUTISM is an Immune Mediated Disorder controversially associated with multiple Vaccine administration in early infancy to an Immunocompromised / Immunodeficient Infant. Demyelinating Neuropathy. MS in Infancy.
All Doctors, Immunologists, Vaccinologists are aware - You Do Not Administer `Live Virus Vaccines` to an Immunocompromised person ( Infant/ Child/ Adult). The Link to Vaccination was established during a US Congressional hearing as far back as 2002.
Autism Rates Alone Across The Developed World Are Rising Continuously. According to a recently released UK Government Report the incidence was at 4.7% . Which equates to almost 1 in 20 Infants suffering negative consequence from the accumulative Viral/Toxic effects of Mass Vaccination.
Sadly, its Nothing New, But perhaps the whole COVID-19 Pandemic may finally help fully expose the True Extent Of The Pharmacutical, Government & Medical Corruption.
With Respect.
Scaringly shocking the trust we have in these institutions
In Australia, clearly leading the charge ‘against’ spread and serious illness (not!), the Health Sector is still mandating full ‘vaccination’ for staff and prospective staff.
Considering the vast and deeply disturbing evidence of death and serious adverse events, how on God’s green earth did we get to a place where employers are not only free and willing to place staff in a position of serious risk, but are permitted to MANDATE that risk? What ‘vaccine’ outcomes justify imposing potentially life threatening mandates?
I read their impressive Mission Statements and their Strategic Plans and I reflect on their professed values and I marvel at their care and concern for everyone in the community to enjoy health and wellbeing...then I think of the death and sickness and trauma and loss and grief and bereavement and I’m left feeling sick to my stomach...
The war on words and misconceptions, we care about your health crappy misused slogans, even the word vaccine has been hijacked/raped to get their lies where they want it.
Could the male--female disparity be related to the fact that the Spike Protein settles in large numbers in the ovaries of woman per the Japanese Pharmacokinetics Overview? (SARS-
COV-2 mRNA Vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048) available at docdroid.net/xqOZ8B0/pfizer-report-japanese-government-pdf
That may be part of the issue, but the LNPs also settle in large numbers in the testes per Pfizer’s biodistribution study. (https://www.phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/125742_S1_M4_4223_185350.pdf, pp. 23-27) So I don’t think that’s the differentiator or, at least, not the primary one. There are people working on trying to figure out why women are so negatively impacted, but the reason or reasons are not yet clear.
The Lipid nanoparticles settle in much higher numbers in the ovaries than the testes. 12.3 vs 0.320 at 48 hours. (Sect.
Yes, they do. However, I'm still not sure that accounts for the full-body systemic adverse events occurring in a ratio of 3:1 in women. The physical differences in men and women account for so many differences in how diseases are experienced by the different sexes. It will be interesting to see what comes out of the research into why mRNA and LNPs seem to be particularly damaging to women.